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Sports injuries: the low down

Sports & remedial massage therapy helps alleviate tension & stress built up in the soft tissues during your sporting activities

We recommend a regular treatment which will help prevent niggles, for any advocate runner or fitness enthusiast to not dampen any athlete’s performance.

A one-hour treatment can include many modalities such as electrotherapy, muscle energy techniques for somatic dysfunction, especially for decreased range of movement, hypertonic muscles and pain. Also be sure to incorporate a regular treatment with any rehabilitation program to keep your muscle subtle & flexible to prevent further injury.

We also incorporate infra-red heat therapy treatment and many more modalities, only if appropriate, according to the assessment/consultation history.

Registered Physical Therapist are well known world -wide for their work, and treat a lot of serious athlete’s, so feel safe in our care.

Sports Massage tends to be deeper and more intense form of massage. It is based on the various elements of Swedish massage and often incorporates a combination of other techniques, involving stretching, compression, friction, toning, and trigger point response technique similar to acupressure.

The skilled PT brings together this blends of techniques knowledge and advise during treatment, to work effectively with the client to bring about optimum performance and to provide injury free training and minimise post event injuries.

The benefits of Sports Massage are many; some of these include:

  • Improve circulation & lymphatic flow

  • Assist in the removal of metabolic waste

  • Sedate or stimulate nerve endings

  • Increase or decrease muscle tone

  • Increase or decrease muscle length

  • Remodel scar tissue when required

  • Assist in mental preparation for sporting participation

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