A decade on: newspaper profile (2011)
The Munster Express: Friday, November 11, 2011 Embarking on a career in physical therapy ANTHONY Flanagan was born at 100 Barrack Street...
Physical Therapy: what we do
Physical Therapy (or Physiotherapy), often abbreviated PT, is a healthcare profession primarily concerned with the remediation of...
Kinesio Taping: theory and practice
Kinesio Taping method is applied over muscles to reduce pain & inflammation, relax overused tired muscles, and to support muscles in...
Sports injuries: the low down
Sports & remedial massage therapy helps alleviate tension & stress built up in the soft tissues during your sporting activities We...
Local soccer sponsorship
Flanagan Physical Therapy & Sports Injury Clinic kindly sponsored a new set of jerseys for Tramore Rangers’ Second Division team this...
Pieta Challenge Belfast to Waterford Walk
I was delighted and honoured to be part of the local physical therapy team that helped fundraiser extraordinaire Enda O'Doherty complete...
Successful running seminar
Regarding the seminar that I presented with Dr. Peter Francis at the Viking Hotel, Waterford, I am delighted to say that it was a major...